Week InAdvance: July 20, 2020
- By: admin
- On: 07/20/2020 10:34:24
- In: 2020 Briefings
Mon Jul 20 Brexit negotiators gather for a week of talks. | Tue Jul 21 CFTC's Market Risk Advisory Committee receives status updates. | Wed Jul 22 SEC votes on rules affecting proxy advisers and shareholder proposals. | Thu Jul 23 MSRB EMMA webinar.
Many governments are cautiously easing Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions to revive economic growth, while attempting to control any resurgence of the coronavirus some are going in reverse. In the U.S., Walmart, Target, and CVS will require all customers to wear masks. The U.K. government is also making masks mandatory in shops as it prepares to reopen a wider range of facilities including indoor swimming pools and gyms later this month.
Read entire Week InAdvance: July 20, 2020