About Us
Our Mission
The Association of Institutional INVESTORS mission is to promote fair and efficient financial markets.
Our Clients, Our Markets, Our Purpose
The Association of Institutional INVESTORS is a member led organization of institutional investment advisors that represents the interests of investors and strives to advance good practices and promote fair and efficient financial markets through open engagement with policy makers and others.
The Association of Institutional INVESTORS is an organization of the oldest, largest, and most trusted federally registered investment advisers in the United States. All our members have a fiduciary duty to put their clients' interests first. Put simply, it's not our money. Our member's clients include companies and labor unions, public and private pension plans, mutual funds and 401Ks, and individuals and families who depend on our firms to help them provide for their retirements, to have funds available to educate their family members, to meet other obligations, and to support their financial aspirations. Collectively, the Association's members manage investments for more than 80,000 ERISA pension plans, 401Ks, and mutual funds on behalf of more than 100 million American workers and retirees.
Our financial markets connect companies to investors and borrowers to lenders to help corporations create jobs, cities and states build needed roads, bridges, and schools, families finance homes and cars, and pension plans at all levels meet their obligations. These markets allow thousands of organizations and millions of individuals to invest in America, sharing in the success of our nation's businesses and maintaining a stake in the strength of cities, counties, states, and our country.
Our financial markets can only fulfill their highest purposes when they are open, transparent, and provide a level playing field for all market participants, and when they are supported by prudent regulation and strong investor protections. All the Association's efforts are toward these ideals.
Membership inquiries may be directed to:
John Gidman, President
Bryan White, Interim Executive Director