
The Association of Institutional INVESTORS is an organization of the oldest, largest, and most trusted federally registered investment advisers in the United States.

All members have a fiduciary duty to put their clients' interests first. Collectively, the Association's members manage investments for more than 80,000 pension plans, 401Ks, and mutual funds on behalf of more than 100 million American workers and retirees.

Member's clients include companies and labor unions, public and private pension plans, mutual funds and university endowments, hospitals and charitable organizations, and individuals and families who depend on member firms to help them provide for their retirements, to have funds available to educate their family members, to meet other obligations, and to support their financial aspirations.

The financial markets connect companies to investors and borrowers to lenders to help corporations create jobs, cities and states build needed roads, bridges, and schools, families finance homes and cars, and pension plans at all levels meet their obligations. These markets allow thousands of organizations and millions of individuals to invest in America, sharing in the success of our nation's businesses and maintaining a stake in the strength of cities, counties, states, and our country.

However, the financial markets can only fulfill their highest purposes when they are open, liquid, and transparent in providing a level playing field for all market participants and when they are supported by prudent regulation and strong investor protections. All the Association's endeavors are undertaken to advance these goals. As a result, the Association is a trusted resource and effective advocate to members and staff of the US Congress, the leadership of various federal agencies, and the commissioners and staff of federal regulators.

The Association represents only federally registered institutional investment advisers and is governed by its board of directors, which is principally comprised of Chief Operating Officers, Chief Investment Officers, Chief Compliance Officers, and General Counsels. Members initiated and led councils, organized by topic or function, drive the ongoing efforts of the Association. Councils include market practices, mortgage securitization, commercial mortgage-backed securities, cyber security, and legal & regulatory.

Association of Institutional INVESTORS membership is at the firm level by invitation only and includes either full voting membership in association and council governance and access to all activities, associate membership providing non-voting access to all activities of all councils, or non-voting membership in individual councils.

For 2022, full membership dues are $15,000, associate membership dues are $6,000, and council membership is $6,000 per council. 

Membership inquiries may be directed to:

John Gidman, President

Bryan White, Interim Executive Director