
Week InReview: May 29, 2020

Employers and legislators are turning their attention to the eventual reopening of workplaces, and in some places it is already happening.
But many employees remain nervous about their health, and about how they will make ends meet if they can't return to work. Meanwhile, many employers are confused by an onslaught of guidelines, rules, executive orders and recommendations from the White House, governors and an array of federal and state agencies. Just last week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission updated its guidance for employers, hoping to clarify questions about testing employees and job applicants, protecting confidential information and accommodating workers with underlying health conditions.
To help make sense of fast-changing rules and norms, The Wall Street Journal consulted a panel of employment lawyers and other experts. While not all of the policies and guidelines referred to here are hard-and-fast requirements, the following answers to some common questions do reflect best practices, the experts say.
— The Wall Street Journal

Read entire Week InReview: May 29, 2020