
Week InReview: February 9, 2018

In case you missed it . . .
Spotlight is on ETF problem children after volatility blowup -
More than 400 ETPs use derivatives to generate outsized returns; 'the greatest disasters in finance made the same mistakes' (Feb 8)

A map to the underworld: $2 trillion of volatility trades here -
Products tied to market swings put in spotlight amid selloff; inverse VIX ETPs grew in popularity with short-vol trade (Feb 7)

A warning sign behind the market swings -
The economy is still abnormally dependent on low interest rates and richly priced assets (Feb 7)

Bond market's debt-ceiling alarm bell is ringing loud and clear -
In the $2 trillion Treasury-bill market, where the U.S. government turns for short-term funding, investors are showing they're plenty nervous about the approaching deadline to raise the nation's debt ceiling (Feb 4)

This SEC rule makes no sense for big banks -
The automatic bar from private placements is a wild non sequitur (Feb 4)

Read entire Week InReview: February 9, 2018