
Week InReview: September 17, 2021

Got stress?
Illustration: Daria Kirpach/WAPO
THERE IS A SAYING in the Balkans that loosely translates to: “There is nothing worse than finally seeing the light, only to be plunged again into darkness.” Extraordinary levels of stress and anxiety started to ease, only to be replaced by anger, disappointment and despair as coronavirus cases resurged and the promise of the pandemic's end became more elusive.
The widespread return to in-person school and the uneven return to offices this fall are further contributing to the sense of being pushed to the limit. Although tried-and-true self-help strategies, such as exercise, good sleep, socializing, mindfulness, positive reframing, and self-compassion are still the best prescription for lowering stress overall, sometimes a practical solution that can provide immediate relief is what's needed.
— The Washington Post

Read entire Week InReview: September 17, 2021