Week InAdvance: August 31, 2020
- By: admin
- On: 08/31/2020 09:57:48
- In: 2020 Briefings
Mon Aug 31 U.K. summer bank holiday. | Wed Sep 2 Beige Book. | Thu Sep 3 BoE guv in DC to speak about cryptocurrencies. | Fri Sep 4 Financial Stability Board TBTF workshop.
Global governments are still walking a tightrope between easing coronavirus lockdowns to revive economic growth, and controlling any resurgence of Covid-19. Globally, more than 24 million people have been infected with the virus, and deaths have exceeded 820,000.
Hong Kong has been successful in driving back a new wave, and plans to test the entire population for Covid-19. South Korea, Italy and France are reporting the most new daily infections in months. Japan, Germany and Greece are also seeing increases, while India is struggling with a record spike. And then there's Brazil, which is moving forward with reopening regardless of high virus infection rates. Spain has rejected new lockdowns despite its reemergence as the center of the European pandemic.
Read entire Week InAdvance: August 31, 2020