Week InAdvance: May 1, 2017
- By: admin
- On: 05/01/2017 09:37:43
- In: 2017 Briefings
Mon May 1 INVESTORS' MSC participates in Treasury PLS roundtable in DC. Senate set to confirm SEC chair nomination. Labor Day or May Day in many countries, including China, India, Russia, U.K., France, Germany, Brazil, Mexico. | Tue May 2 B20 Summit in Berlin. House panel markup of Dodd-Frank replacement bill. | Wed May 3 Basel Committee implementation meeting. FOMC rate decision. | Thu May 4 IOSCO meeting in Paris. | Fri May 5 Shadow Open Market Committee meets in NYC. | Sat May 6 The 143rd Kentucky Derby. | Sun May 7 22nd Annual Financial Markets Conference begins in Amelia Island, FL.
Read entire Week InAdvance: May 1, 2017