
Week InReview: September 23, 2016

In case you missed it . . . Supersized corporate bond sales are taking a bigger bite of an $8 trillion market: would you like some yield with that? (Sep 20) Regulators deliberate tighter reporting rules on Treasury market: regulators mull over public comments on proposal to require Treasury trades to be reported by day's end, a move intended to improve market transparency (Sep 20) G20 derivatives reforms show little result - seven years on: exchanges struggle to attract derivatives trading from OTC markets, despite a 2009 G20 edict (Sep 19 Money is pouring into property deals banks won't touch: investment firms seek record funds for real estate debt; OCC, Fed raise concerns after doubling of prices in six years (Sep 19) The SEC and market structure: five things to watch: SEC Chairman Mary Jo White has much work left to do on equity market structure; consolidated audit trail, anti-disruptive trading rule, maker-taker pilot program top her priorities (Sep 15)

Read entire Week InReview: September 23, 2016