
Webcast: FINRA's Pivotal Role With Regard to Regulating the U.S. Securities Markets

Remarks by FINRA @ AII Event -- Bill Wollman, Executive Vice President of FINRA, was the keynote speaker at an Association of Institutional INVESTORS membership meeting on June 26th in Boston, MA.

In his remarks, Mr. Wollman shared insights on FINRA's pivotal role with regard to regulating the U.S. securities markets. Also, Bill provided our membership with a comprehensive analysis of the salient policy issues which FINRA's regulatory team has delineated in order to develop an effective MBS margining mechanism for all market participants.

As a service to the asset management industry, we are pleased to share a replay of the Webcast of Bill Wollman's keynote remarks. Please CLICK HERE to view this Webcast.

The Association's advocacy work concerning MBS margining recommendations and proposed rules is being led by our Market Practices Council. Steve Chittenden of Loomis Sayles and Paul Parseghian of Prudential serve as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, of this Council.

Any suggestions or questions relating to the trade group initiatives of the Association of Institutional INVESTORS are most welcome. Feel free to contact Joseph Sack of Sack Consulting at (cell) 914-648-0088.

Note: for best results when viewing our Webcast replay, we recommend using a laptop or a desk top computer.